
Canterra Canola Trial

The CS2000 and CS2600CR-T were both shorter than the PV variety with the CS2600CR-T being shortest.  All 3 varieties had good standability and were easy to swath.

Maturity: The early maturity of the CS2600CR-T showed in the harvest moisture as it dried down more than the other varieties. The PV 581 took at least a week longer to mature than the CS2000 and about 10 days longer than the CS2600CR-T.

Yield: The yield average on the field, which was all PV 581GC, ran 47bu/ac. Yields were calculated to 9% moisture in the right column to fairly test against each other. The yields in the trial were within 1bu/ac of each other with the two Canterra varieties edging out their respective PV trials to the north and south. CS2000 was the highest yielding canola in the trial at 53.7bu/ac.

Both Canterra varieties are a good fit for the area, CS2000 with its high yielding mid maturity and the versatile CS2600CR-T with its early maturity, ability to straight cut and the TruFlex trait. There was some confusion at the field day I had this summer on what TruFlex means. To clarify Canola with the TruFlex designation has the ability to take up to 1.33L/ac of Roundup WeatherMax in a season, and you can spray past 6 leaf and up to first flower when doing a split application of .66L/ac.

We will have CS2000 and CS2600CR-T available to book this fall, both have built in clubroot resistance. You can book online on the Canterra website or contact one of us for pricing.  If you are booking online use Konieczny Seeds as your preferred retailer and I will get you a price when the system notifies me.
